How I got started using Linux


2 min read

It was in 2020, when I started exploring Linux. I had this old Dell machine with a Core 2 Duo, which I wanted to revive and use. I didn't really want to use older Windows versions, and I tried installing Windows 10 on that laptop. With 4 gigs of ram, a dual core processor and Windows 10, it was a real struggle to use it.

On googling things a bit, I discovered Linux. At that time, I just wanted to use my laptop with reasonable responsiveness. Linux turned out to be a great option for just that. I started off with Ubuntu. Then, I just kept on exploring many new distributions. I tried Pop OS, Manjaro (tried almost all Manjaro flavours), Zorin and Arch too. I settled with Arch for that laptop, cause that, for obvious reasons, performed the fastest for the hardware I had. Arch being on the bleeding edge wasn't a problem for me, as I was only doing only personal tasks and was exploring tech a bit on that machine. I didn't really care about losing data, if and when I had to reinstall Arch when I broke something while trying to mess with my laptop.

Then I upgraded my stuff in about a year later, but never left Linux, as at this point, I had become used to the environment that it offered. Now I use Ubuntu primarily cause now I don't have to run such a minimal system as my new machine can handle a good amount of workload and Ubuntu just works out of the box. I do use other distros including Arch and Manjaro in a VM just to check them out now and then.

Do comment about how you got started into Linux or just tech in general

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