This article will help you install and configure git on your system.
Install git
You can download and install git from here. The process is similar to installing any other application on windows
Mac OS
There are multiple ways to install git on Mac OS. The easiest is through brew using the following command brew install git
Git is available in almost every main stream distro's repository. You can install git from your distro's repositories' as you would install any other package.
For Example,
On Ubuntu : sudo apt install git
On fedora: sudo dnf install git
On Arch: sudo pacman -S git
Configure git
Firstly, open your terminal on linux/mac and the git bash terminal if you are on windows. You have got to configure your git instance with a username, your email and set your default branch to main. You can do it with the following commands.
git config --global "<Name>
git config --global "<email>
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
These are the basic commands that I run to set up git on my system.